i have never really consumed any mikudia (miku media) or really any vocaloid music in general, but when i saw this get announced, i was so hype. this was essentially my reaction.

she's really funnnn!! she's got a very unique playstyle and it's really quite enjoyable to have another character on the roster that doesn't make my blood pressure way too high. this shit make me feel like im playin checkers! for a long time i would play this game with the sole purpose of doing the next most difficult thing i could. once i beat all the other characters and aria, i was like okay, now i guess i have to start practicing for an all characters run. but then, of course, the character i would need to practice the most would be aria, so then i'd just keep practicing aria forever and become really really sad.

miku is the cure!!! i haven't played this game in a good while (probably since around the time synchrony came out in EA) but it's so refreshing to play something new and fresh again in this game i love dearly. she's a little difficult to get used to, but essentially plays like an even more chaotic version of suzu, which is really fun. she's got her little leek and her outfits are so damn cute!!! i pick up leather armor and normally id be like oh wow,, yay,, 0.5 defense,,, but now im like yayy cute miku outfit!! the sounds she makes when you get hurt or die make me feel like i am the worst person on earth and i am so sorry miku,, im sorry i couldn't play better for you,,,

the music is really fun and fits the game pretty well! there's not really parity with what zones they're in, but i don't think it really matters. i have a minor gripe with some of the songs from a gameplay perspective, but it's just that: minor. a couple of the songs start without a solid downbeat rhythm and are semi quiet, so i feel a little frantic for the first bar or so, but you can totally still find the beat and leek the fuck outta skeletons and ghouls and shit. maybe this dlc made me into a miku fan?? idk. pretty fun stuff.

for just TWO (two) American MikuBucks™, Crypt of the NecroDancer: Hatsune Miku (2024) is a slammer jammer, and you should play it if you like CotN and are at least just a little partial to vocaloid tunes.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2024


please be normal.

14 days ago

no lmao