This completed the dudebro-ification of the Mass Effect trilogy and to this day, 10 whole years since I completed it, I still don't know who I should be mad at. Is at EA for converting this to a generic third person military shooter with RPG elements? Is it at the Monster-chugging dudebros who ignore the "Customize Shepard" on their screens and act like Commander Shepard is a defined character with Mark Vanderloo's face as opposed to a character defined by the players?

Or was this the intended point of Mass Effect all along? In before someone yells at me that Drew Karpyshyn had a different ending in mind, the endings do not explain why Joker is a sleezy bro all of a sudden, Ashley's makeover, everything about EDI or inserting an Asian caricature man who is NOT a character to me. Frankly, I don't know if anything would've changed about the other 90% of the game if Karpyshyn never left Mass Effect.

In fact, despite only liking the red ending, the endings of this game are one of the few times this game pulled its head out of its generic third person shooter ass to remember that it could have some meaning. Control and my beloathed, Synthesis had good concepts indeed. Too bad they were so poorly executed.

Reviewed on May 25, 2023
