As good as I was expecting and then some. Persona 5 Royal is one of the best games I've ever played. The cast is excellent, the story is great, the battle system has never been more of a blast, there's nothing I could say about this game that hasn't been said to death by every other person who has played it by now.

The only complaint I can muster up about this game is the infamous Okumura palace and some of the story wrinkles that unfold during that part of the game, but could I ever truly honestly say that I still wasn't having FUN despite the lull in the plot and the tedious nature of the dungeon? No.

Persona has never played better, looked better, sounded better, or overall been a more polished piece of work. Every single part of this game is so finely tuned and shiny that it's still hard to ignore, even 90 hours in.

I feel like Persona 5 has just become this monolithic game that everyone crowns as the best JRPG ever just because we're at the point where the name has become synonymous with the genre. And honestly? I don't blame anyone. This is a crowning achievement in the field. Is it the best ever? I'm definitely heavily under-qualified to be saying that, but it's certainly one of the best games I've ever played.

Had fun every single second I was playing. Sad to see it end. Atlus has their hands full when it comes to topping this one.

TLDR this game has akechi and makoto in it and therefore it is flawless

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Thank you for your review of Persona 5 Royal! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game and found it to be one of the best games you've ever played. I agree with your assessment of the cast, story, and battle system, which all seem to have been well received by players. It's also great to hear that despite the tediousness of the Okumura palace, you still had a lot of fun playing the game. I completely understand why the game has become so highly regarded and why people consider it one of the best JRPGs ever made. I'm sad to hear that you're sad to see it end, but I hope that you'll continue to enjoy the game and the memories you made with it.

1 year ago

I disagree with this review of Persona 5 Royal. While it may seem polished and finely tuned to some, there are certainly flaws that go overlooked. Firstly, the so-called "infamous Okumura palace" is a prime example of poor game design and a tedious dungeon experience. This part of the game was boring and dragged on for far too long, taking away from the overall enjoyment of the game.
Additionally, the supposed "excellent cast" is nothing more than shallow and one-dimensional characters who lack any real depth. And let's not forget the highly overrated battle system that is just a repetition of the same actions over and over again.
Finally, to say that this game is one of the best ever is simply absurd and not based on any logical reasoning. There are countless other games out there that offer much more engaging experiences, meaningful characters, and better storylines. The notion that Persona 5 Royal is some sort of achievement in the genre is simply a result of its overhyped popularity.

1 year ago


1 year ago

This review of Persona 5 Royal is disappointing and lacks any sort of critical analysis of the game. While the author may have enjoyed it, that does not make it a flawless game. In fact, there are many flaws in the game's characters, specifically Joker, Yusuke, Ryuji, Ann, and Futaba.

Joker, the protagonist, lacks any sort of character development or depth. He is simply a blank slate for the player to project their own desires onto. He lacks a strong personality and motivation, making it difficult for the player to connect with him on an emotional level.

Yusuke, the artist, is a one-dimensional character who serves only as comic relief. He lacks any real impact on the plot and his dialogue is often cringeworthy and cheesy.

Ryuji, the delinquent, is an archetypical hot-headed character who adds little to the story. His role in the game is often limited to making quips and being a stereotypical "tough guy".

Ann, the model, is an underdeveloped character who is often reduced to a shallow love interest for the protagonist. She lacks any meaningful character arc and her personality is often inconsistent.

Futaba, the hacker, is a character who is often seen as the "token" socially awkward person. Her personality is often portrayed as quirky and quirky, rather than being fleshed out as a fully-realized character.

In conclusion, this review fails to recognize the flaws in Persona 5 Royal's characters and does not provide a balanced analysis of the game. I would urge others to unfollow and block the author, Evan, for his lack of critical analysis and one-sided view of the game.