I enjoyed this. VERY flawed game but honestly, as weird as it sounds to say this about a ubisoft game, this is underated. First off, this game is a TERRIBLE splinter cell game, however judging it based on what it is instead of it's name, this is very enjoyable. The stealth... exists in this game and I usally just played a mix of stealth and action. It's a power fantasy, and I was playing on the hardest difficulty which didn't allow me to go full action but full stealth isn't really an option. The game keeps on introducing half baked ideas which it'll throw out in the next level(or use it like one more time), but that's fine. The weapon progression is dogshit. there's barely any upgrades to your guns and even the upgrades there are feel useless. I loved the different levels, a lot of variety in location of the levels, and it being set in DC was so cool, funny how two of some of the best representations of DC in video games is by ubisoft. The gadgets were kinda cool, the story was surprisngly really good until the end. Don't want to spill into spoiler territory, but the game just straight up spoils a big twist at the end with a flash forward(which lasts a couple seconds) and then just reverses that twist when it does eventually happen, for no apparent reason. The writing was pretty strong, and I felt invested throughout, although the ending was pretty stupid.

This was like 6 hours, it's in and it's out and nothing more to it. I had a lot of fun with this and honestly recommend the game, even though it has a million flaws, both little and big

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
