This game, aside from the nemesis system, has nothing. No original ideas, just a boring ubisoft-type game with no soul. Some of the most mind numbing combat of all time, almost as bad as something like arkham, where you just mash the left and right mouse buttons and you win a fight. The nemisis system is probably my only pro, and it is quite a big one. I love dynamic storytelling in games, and the nemesis system does it well, fuck WB for patenting it so it couldn't be used on games not as boring as this one. Nothing atrocious, you'll have a fun enough time if you just wanna turn your brain off for a stupid open world game, but even for that year, ubisoft made a much better open world game with wildlands. Maybe this is cooler as a LOTR fan, but this game made me feel nothing, which is the worst thing a game can do.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
