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Tied with 2 as best in series for me. The leap in technology is apparent, this game looks jaw dropping to this day, and plays better. Combat and movement are smoother, and there are some nice additions like the long grass and the rope climbing. There's probably too much sliding though, Drake's jeans are probably shredded by the end.

The change to a slower, more emotionally driven story works better than I expected it to. This game takes a lot of the charm and heart from the Last of Us, the well written relationships and deeper look at who these characters are, but is smart not to attempt to go to the same dark places.

It's a slower game, one that wants to meditate on who these characters are and how they move on from a life of adventure. It's a needed change of focus, as trying to escalate more than 3 would've lead to absurdity, and it gets the balance just right.

It's less perfectly crafted than 2. It drags at times, and the characterization isn't always spot on. Sam in particular feels to casual to me, too much like Drake. We're meant to see the differences in these brothers, the one who never got to have these adventures, and yet any time spent with just the two of them, they feel like almost the same person. These parts of the game drag for that reason. Other characters in Uncharted all felt meaningfully distinct where Sam doesn't.

I don't mind that though. I love how this game changes things up, allows itself to be slower, more of an exploration, and ultimately a celebration of these characters growing and understanding themselves. The game itself is beautiful, and still has some great action and set pieces, although these feel less important here. If anything I think a slightly shorter campaign with less of these would've helped, but it's not a big deal. Against all odds, the fourth Uncharted has great claim to be the best of the lot.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2022

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