This is peak Pokemon and peak nostalgia for me, only second to Minecraft in terms of the latter. Diamond was my first Pokemon game and I'm pretty damn sure it was the first video game I ever played. I played the absolute balls out of both Diamond and Platinum way back when.

The challenge, soundtrack, and sense of adventure all come together to form a Pokemon experience that is second to none in my Massive Objective Brain. HMs still suck balls but after playing through this game countless times, I know it like the back of my hand and even such a glaring problem doesn't stop my little goblin brain from blasting through it every year.

I may or may not have somehow lost my first copy of this game somewhere in my backyard, so shoutout to my mom for buying me a second copy because I don't think I'd hold this game so close to my heart if I had just played through 1/6 of it after beating Diamond.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2020
