just gonna dump my not-so-organized thoughts here about my experience, enjoy!

most importantly, the core gameplay! maaaan.
even if the game consistently runs at 30 fps, which it never does, what the hell is there to do here? catch pokemon? like that's it? oh and battle pokemon too? okay. the mount is pretty funny but also kinda jank.

the worst offender here is the overworld encounter system. im so glad that random encounters are gone but jesus christ the let's go (more like let's eat BUTT) mechanic is so fucked. who cares though! i didn't even use it (due in part to its jankiness) but i did toss my pokemon at wild pokemon to start battles! and god this is so shitty. i dont know why they didn't just copy and paste the throwing from PLA without including the dodge roll and player damage.

there are absolutely no landmarks within the """open world""" and it looks like absolute butts mcgee. pop-in is everywhere and even during battle textures aren't fully loaded in.

the region has no cohesion whatsoever, it feels like the towns and bases were just randomly scattered across the map, with minimal distinction between named and generic areas being present. also WHY DO THE ONLY ACCESSIBLE BUILDINGS JUST SELL FOOD !!!

i could do without level-scaling if there was some sense of togetherness here but its just so weird. i did use a guide for what order to go through everything in and while i do like the idea of perhaps just swapping out teams to avoid steamrolling gyms i think that that sort of style more suits games like SMT. of course its probably fun but the battles are still piss-easy so would it really change much?

battles Oh Yeah!! the battles are slow as balls! this is especially embarrassing since this game CAME OUT AFTER LEGENDS ARCEUS!! ...which sped up battles to near-perfection. having bellibolt on my team made me want to blow my brains out because even if it fainted from an attack the game STILL had to show me the ability charge prompt. this is 100x worse when being attacked by multi-hit moves (which were streamlined in arceus)

im not expecting persona 5-level variety here but if the traversal, combat, or story (just one element!!) were notably good they could carry the game, i.e., mystery dungeon story and combat are interesting and challenging so i genuinely want to keep playing, whereas with this lump of doodoo i just kept going because i hate myself

also theres some nice QOL stuff in here but they also removed some stuff from previous games like battle styles so uh.

i gotta say, some of the music is absolutely amazing (shoutout toby focks) and i do like some of the characters but the lack of voice acting makes every moment So Awkward. whether they're supposed to be exciting, sad, or scary, the cutscenes feel like some odd parody material because you just see lips flapping and hear no speaking. also yes they made another gym leader who sings/raps. Uh huh.

terastillization is actually pretty neat but i avoided using it due to the game already being pretty easy. also the elite four only have 5 pokemon and the champion has a stupidly inverted team with a cool new awesome guy that gets attack boosts for each pokemon fainted on the player's team but her final pokemon is a hazard setter. what were they thinking

this game has a handful of funny critters and i convinced myself that it'd be worth slogging through it to see them through my own experience but once i performed a self-imposed psy-op and spoiled the remaining ones for myself i truly realized there was nothing else of much appeal to me here.

speaking of funny critters, paradox pokemon! man this concept is so cool. if only the scope of the game allowed them to be as awesome as they actually should be. man. but its not, so at least the designs are pretty rad, right? i am Objectively Correct here in saying that the future designs are doodoo. except for iron valiant holy shit that fucks. a gardevoir-gallade fusion that's also reminscent of their megas?? why aren't most or all of the future pokemon fusions? like they dont even have to be related just make up a cool backstory as to why this oh-so "Mad Scientist" thought itd be cool and useful to fuse crustle and golbat.

the fact that you can only obtain the other game's mons through trading makes them so lame. people act like its cool but you just call up a friend and sit there spamming a to trade x amount of pokemon, taking away the coolness. imagine if dual versions didn't exist and there was just one game where you get to encounter both future and past pokemon. like even if they just copy+paste mashed the current games together that'd be better but it'd still kinda stink because aside from the critters being different its the exact same rigamarole

yeah that's it there is no feasible way mainline pokemon can be Actually Good unless the size of the dev team is like quintupled and/or the release cycle is totally overhauled.

but i think this is just how the games are gonna be so i must say! i have come to terms with the fact that i Don't Actually Like Pokemon. and that's chill

any dudunsparce fans in the chat??

TL;DR, game sucks eggs im gonna go play fortnite now

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2022


1 year ago

Thank u ign

1 year ago

Itchy Gooch Nuts