Even though I must have played this game at least 4 times now, it’s still a pleasure to jump back into this story and delve into the super satisfying gameplay approach, rich story and immaculate level and game design.

So, why does a game that’s already been praised time and time again not just get an automatic 10? It’s pretty simple. The Last Of Us has run it’s course and I really believe this version of the game was highly unnecessary. Maybe not disingenuous or an attempt on hype capitalization, but definitely not necessary.

Sure, it could be qualified as one of the best ways to play the game and it doesn’t affect some of the things that made this game so iconic, including the legendary soundtrack. Yet, considering some of the bugs I encountered and the staggering price increase for so little additions, I don’t think Part 1 is a backlog necessity when previous versions are readily able, unless you have never experienced the game before.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2023
