Painful and beautiful

On sale price: 2 bucks
Time: 4 days
Full review below

Bought this about two weeks ago i assume because it looks colourful. Don't remember what kind of game it is at all. It seems to be a cute 2d platformer, usually I'm not into platformers but this one seems story driven and casual.

A unique idea for the toturial and the cursor make me already like the creative mindset the developers have.

It's a beautiful story of loss, especially the elements of denial moved me. I waited to play this game until the sun had set, and I'm so glad I did. The colours in this game are magical, and together with my ambilights this is just a lovely experience.

Although there is an option to decrease the cursor sensitivity, this option doesn't exist for walk sensitivity. As a result, people with stickdrift (like me) may find some areas of this platformer frustrating. Having to enter the book menu every time you want to use a skill shouldn't have been needed. I feel like i enjoy the journal intermezzos more than the "real" game.

There were some funny moments in this game, my favourite joke was that tidying up means telling the cat to fuck off. I like the companion that's introduce, but its quasi infantile speech is a bit much.

Damn during the drive i was struggling hard to keep it together, and two more times after that. And by struggling i mean failing.

The people you care about live on in you and others they influenced, through manners, ideas and memories. What a beautiful message. As a game this is average, but the story moved me like no game has, and the colours were gorgeous. Enjoyed it a lot.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024
