Price: 2 bucks
Time: 5 days

As always it was the colours and casual look that attracted me to this switch game. Although I've nevers seen Adventure Time the artstyle reminded me of it. When the game opened with an adult themes warning and ominous sounds and visuals, i was truly wondering what way this story was gonna go.

As i expected, gorgeous visuals. Early issue: i hate realistic jump height. This girl literally jumps maybe 30cm off the ground, that's below realistic height. What i do like is that the collectibles actually add something to the story.

This game has some incredible skies, something I've always adored. The core of this game is movement which doesn't feel too great on the switch. A lot of backtracking and puzzles feel slow, as they're also movement based.

Although the cartoonish artstyle and the adult themes, both in writing and in visuals, are a great match, i cannot finish this game in one go as I usually would. It's simply too much of the same after 2 giants, i have to play something else inbetween. The game however doesn't easily allow this. Because of the backtracking you can easily get truly lost in a cave if you haven't played in a while.

The gameplay is really quite repetitive, the intrique of the story and the gorgeous art keeps me going. I must admit though, the Crypt is so damn beautiful i can't imagine it getting any prettier, and i still have 2/4 giants to go, which feels like a chore.

It actually went by quite quickly, which is good. The ending leaves you with a lot of questions though that i wish would've been answered. Overall a decent game if you enjoy colourful artwork.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
