While I personally prefer 3 due to the pointer controls on the Wii U version, 3's openness to replayability and the lack of a game over condition in 4, Pikmin 4 is a remarkable game that shows how Pikmin 2 could've always been excellent if the caves were actually planned out and properly designed instead of being randomly generated and completely inconsistent. They knocked it out of the park, with how the Pikmin AI has been improved to how quickly you can rush through caves and not have to dedicated a significant amount of time to it anymore, with it all flowing so much more naturally than in Pikmin 2. It all just flat out works now, without feeling like a chore, with no bullshit rng that can completely fuck over your run in sight. Also, Oatchi is a fantastic addition. Allowing for a permanent "Pikmin" of sorts that can transport your main squad, get items quicker to your base and get really funny sequence breaks and early items, Oatchi is a flat out excellent way to bring in a replacement for the extra captains of 2 and 3. To cap it off, adding to this games merits, this is easily the best looking game on Switch, its hard to believe this is the same console that has to force Xenoblade to run at BELOW 720p for an inconsistent framerate while this game rarely ever sees framedrops. Overall, Pikmin 4 is just really really good. After a decade of waiting for it, I can very thankfully and happily say that yes, Pikmin 4 delivered.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
