I have always stood by Persona 3 being an awful video game with a great story, and the best way to appreciate the story being the movies. The pacing is better, and you didn't have to deal with abysmal party ai and an awful exp curve leading you to grind every night because, well, they were movies

Reload changed my opinion. This is the definitive version of Persona 3, and finally won me over on it (although Persona 4 is still my favourite). Is it perfect? Fuck no. I still think Ken is an awful character who has aged horridly, the game giving you absolutely nothing to do near the end is annoying as shit, and 264 floors of Tartarus is still far too much, with some fights feeling like complete shit (I played on Merciless). But the bulk of the good being the story and the reworked combat is still there, and fully ready for you to indulge in it.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2024


3 months ago

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