When this game was announced, a lot of people thought it to be the best MMO ever. The world was so big, there were so many things to do, and the combat was something out of this world. The graphics? AMAZING. Character customization? You were like a god.

I played this in 2018 probably, not sure when; but I don't think much changed. Of all the things promised, just one of them matters. The world is, indeed, big and beautiful.

But being big doesn't mean being good, the world is so big, in fact, that it gets annoying to go from one place to another - but don't take this as a bad thing, that's what they were aiming for initially, and that is okay.

Let's talk about what's not okay: the Korean game grinding, the pay to advance, the character customization, and so on.

Korean games are famous for having this system where your weapon can break, I have seen it in a few games (Blade and Soul being another) and I don't know how people enjoy it. You have this trouble of getting a good weapon, good armour and shit, just for it to lose its potential when you are upgrading it. What's the point? Giving you more playtime? This game is a farming simulator if anything.

The character customization is nothing special, think of each class as a separate character, and unless you do something very drastic like melting your character's face, they will look THE SAME always, with slight differences. It's a fake setup, you aren't changing anything.

Paying to advance, while I don't mind it for a "free game" this one is just... off-limits. BDO is often given for free if you get to level 50 in a week or so, which is pretty easy; but they give you the option of just putting in your credit card and becoming a God. Remember how I talked about weapons breaking? Worry not! For a few dollars, you can just avoid that completely. Have fun upgrading your weapon!

The combat is okay-ish, I had fun playing around with it, but it got old very quickly. It's probably because it based itself on Dynasty Warriors, and while that not being a bad thing, IMO it just gets tiring quickly.

I had a few problems running the game smoothly too, even on low settings it seemed to be very badly optimized; however take this with a grain of salt, most likely it was my PCs fault.

No less, I don't think this game should be played nowadays, there are much, much more to say here but I feel like vomiting my guts out just thinking about what to type. Avoid this mess.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
