Oh this game is fantastic. I was new to playing this genre of resource management horror game, so if that's the case with you as well, I highly suggest using the Casual game mode, as it made this great game really accessible for new players. If you are a fan of silent hill/resident evil, you will def be in for another great time.

It's all vibes, babes. This game has such an excellent aesthetic tone and artistic vision. The gameplay and map design is extremely solid, but the art design of this game is SO fucking good. The music and art mix with one another to create one hell of an experience. The visuals are reminiscent of 90s anime like EVA (particularly because of the technology/sci-fi aspect) and its just so fucking cool.

Also puzzles... the PUZZLES.... such a delicious little treat for a puzzle enjoyer such as myself. I was genuinely so thrilled to find another little puzzle area, because after the first few I just KNEW that all the puzzles in the game were going to be good. They give you all the pieces, they are satisfying to solve, and they weren't ever TOO easy. Perfect. Delectable. Scrumptious.

The progression and pacing through this game is also something that is so finely crafted. It can be easy to have a story that wanders off for so long, that you just fall out of the mystery. This game keeps you active listening both in and out of cutscenes, trying to piece together this super fun story till the very end. The way the enemies were created and how that information was reveled was particularly good, especially how they behave and why. There was so much thought put into this game and its world.

I had a spectacular time. I ADORED that this game is about a 10-12 hour game as well. Such a polished experience that keeps you interested the whole time. I will absolutely be coming back for a second playthrough when I have the time. : ] (and probably watching a video about the ending lol)

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023
