Got my eye on you!

Originally made as a way to clean up my wishlist of the plenty of games listed as TBD filling up that list. I've compiled a bunch of anticipated titles for the foreseeable future i'm interested in. Maybe you might find something here :)

when i first saw this lil guy get announced i said more than gex. i screamed that fuckers name!
I had a kart racer game written down for the past 3 years. This is looks to be exactly what I wanted to make.
"B-but Kojima isn't involved"
Don't care, MGR was made w/o him and that did well. He can still cook with his funky lil fetus sequel. So long as Konami doesn't fumble the easiest bag of remaking it, its all good in my books.
In my house, 007 is kino. And having IOI making a hitman-style game themed around that is just perfect.
Certainly a strange and yet, fun surprise out of E3, the Metal Slug series is making its way into the tactics genre and looks very fun and high quality. Something to keep your eye, for sure!
Freaky deeky lamp, gun, and grappling hook all in one hellish combo.
That OST fucks!
3D Platformer w/ a funky lil' fisherman
That OST fucks x2
After Yacht Club has gone through with Shovel Knight. it's all about Mina the Hollower now. it's seriously lame they went for KS for going to fund the game even after stating they could it regardless, but thats not here nor there related to this game.

cute rat.
finally i can have the arcade in my room without the nasty ass pizza and people screaming!
Starfox but cats
Little Big Planet on PC
yea, you guys remember that bad movie we ironically laughed at. what if we made it video game?


I like puzzle games, ya.


I am just desperate for any skateboarding game
So I guess it's that time where DQ also changes up the combat of their games.
Gravity Rush Bros, are we home?


Just did was ripped some pages out fo a comic-book and made a FPS out of it.
Can we get Hollow Knight?
No we have Hollow Knight at home.
Scrimblo Bimblo but bnnuy
So this is what Dangerous Driving 2 was supposed to be. Hoping that it goes well in comparison to the first game.
The demo hooked me


Dani my boy
This game is practically just vaporware


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