Favorite Uri game!!! I think I like strange creepy village stories lol This one's atmosphere is so good, I can't find the same in others. I love the characters and the story is nice enough, I also like that it has a few different interesting endings.

I love this game but new updates made me a little... sad. I feel like it's a different game now even though I have 600 hours in this game I don't know how to play thanks to them. I hope I can get used to them.

Gonna be a Danganronpa defender again but I think it's not that bad, characters weren't OOC and we got new content, saw our faves happy in a summer camp, I'm pretty happy. It'd be much better if they included more CGs and new art for at least the ultra rare cards though. I agree it feels a little lazy.

I think the art is pretty and it could be fun if they didn't give the most important secret away in the first route I played. Also my Vita died before I could finish it lmao... I'd say give it a try to see if you like it, but don't expect something perfect.

It was going really well until that mirror maze 😭😭😭 I don't think I'll be able to handle it myself but I'll probably watch someone play it later. It's super pretty and interesting though!

Except for the ending feeling a little fast and some puzzles being/feeling impossible, I loved it! I agree the other comments about Anna's voice but it wasn't a huge deal for me. The story was interesting enough for me.