I thought that Last Specter was a good game, but definitely not my favorite out of all of the Layton games I have played. It has many of the same charms that make the original games work so well. It also makes some different choices that I don't really care for.
The puzzles in this game really vary in quality, and are poorly spread in quality. Some of these puzzles are some of the best Layton has to offer. I really enjoy many of the logic and math puzzles, as they feel fair but not too convoluted or time-consuming. Unfortunately, not all puzzles are like this. There are a fair share of puzzles that are just lazy multiple choice questions, where it is easier to just guess. This isn't helped by the fact that a good amount of the main story puzzles are these lazy multiple choice ones, and there aren't many main story puzzles overall. I was 25 puzzles short of the point of no return, when I was easily over that barrier in all of the first three games. Some of the puzzles in the Last Specter were good, but I think both the second and third game do better in that department than this one.
Last Specter also takes a different approach to story, but I can't say I'm sold on it. There is a lot more exposition than the previous games, and this leads to much more context for the late-game plot twist. My issue with this is that the story isn't particularly interesting. It's a very basic plot, with a very uninteresting resolution. There are a couple neat parts and a couple neat character moments for sure, but I prefer the more wild, unpredictable nature of the prior games. Also, why is Luke smarter in a prequel than normal? He feels so much more competent in this game.
Despite all of these flaws, Last Specter is a Layton game at its core. It has great side games, (including London Life which I never tried) some good puzzles, and a charming story. It is definitely weaker than most Layton games, but it's still a good time in the end. If you like doing side content, I wouldn't skip this one, but if you don't, go play one of the other DS Layton games.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
