I like reading about Gimmick. I like reading about how it was developed and how its soundtrack was written. I like watching it, I like watching people talk about it - especially illusory wall's Retro Games Dissected video on the game.

I love the way Gimmick sounds, and I love the way it looks. It's obviously a passion project, but it's also a one last hurrah for the Famicom, a showcase of what can be done out of this system that was originally made almost ten years ago (at the time of Gimmick's release) to play ports of Donkey Kong.

But I don't like playing it. The star as a weapon is cumbersome and tricky to manage, even if it's a great concept; I think the game didn't need quite as much momentum or traction to its controls; a maximum of 4 health feels a little unfair; and getting the secret items can be challenging to the point of absurdity.

So do I like Gimmick?

Geez, I don't know! Do I?

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2021
