the first couple hours are awesome but the second the extremely boring real estate/ second cabaret managing minigames get introduced everything goes downhill, at that point in the story the sidequests (by far the best part of the game, worth playing for them alone) suddenly stop appearing as frequently as before and so you start noticing how unalive kamurocho and sotenbori actually are when those aren't around, the same old tale of the videogame cities where you follow dots to give your characters a 1.2% boost in how hard they can punch the exact same two types of enemies. even the regular minigames seem trapped in their boxes without the back and forth from the stories (or the possibility that they might be out there somewhere), spending time at arcades and bars (as i used to in the first chapters every time the plot gave me a moment off) starts turning more unappealing when you realize they are all there is to the place, the old guy playing mahjong in the streets stops being a friendly face and becomes Content.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2021


2 years ago


1 year ago

Me sabe mal, pero tienes razón. Es una cosa que pasa con los juegos de RGG: una vez empiezan a acabarse las secundarias hay demasiado minijuego y decides atajar por la historia, aunque en este juego es donde se me hace más frustrante siendo el Yakuza que me estaba divirtiendo más.