The only Fire Emblem game where I remember every character's name. Sure they don't have a million lines of support dialogue to specify their favorite food, but what short dialogue there is always captures the essence of them, a videogame writing skill sadly lost after 16 bit generation. The marriage system is first introduced here, but it doesn't indulge in dating sim. What make the characters truly memorable, however, is their role in the main story. They are tied to the main story through their lineage, and what happened in the story impacts them all. And what a story it is. It exudes grand and epic, matching the glorious title in every way. Fire Emblem story has never reached the same height ever since.

Gameplay wise, this is the only Fire Emblem game that makes you the head of an army instead of the commander of a battalion. And yes, that means you will be maneuvering your troops a lot. You can play like a battalion commander and throw all the units at one objective, or you can make strategic decision, choose advantageous position for engagement, and split your army if necessary. It also introduced a more intricate economy system where each unit has own fund and weapons can be repaired. Gone are the days when everyone wields silver weapons. Who to equip which weapon and when to use it become a gameplay decision.

If there is to be remake, a few improvements can be made:

1. Introduce rescue system from Thracia 776, which increase availability of on-foot units in battle.
2. Add indoor battle where like Thracia 776, mounted units need to dismount and receive stats debuff, which further helps on-foot units.
3. More world building and story. In the first half of the game, Sigurd's war is a secondary theater to a bigger war happening in the side of the world. It is ultimately what happens in and after the other war that seals the fate of the characters. So it can be more flashed out. The second half of the game can hint at the event of Thracia 776, which not only enriches the game itself, but also paves the way to future remake.

Reviewed on May 09, 2023
