Too many indie JRPG go for the shorter route while conveniently styling themselves as "Chrono Trigger inspired". This one says "fuck it, I'm going the full nine yards." It's the complete classic 16 bit JRPG package, with proper side quests and post game content and everything. The story is a hodgepodge of JRPG, manga and anime influence cramped into something engaging to the end, with certain events feeling a bit too familiar. Funny enough, another standout indie game from Germany in 2022: Signalis, gives the exact same impression story wise. Gameplay design is an absolute standout. With no random encounter and trash mob, the enemy variety is astounding, and each encounter is a puzzle to be solved. Just when I thought there's nothing more to be done about turn-based JRPG combat, this game came alone and proved me wrong. Writing and translation can be iffy at times, which some might say is a long standing feature of JRPG. I'm sure the writer has good intentions, but illogical world building such as "constant war makes the continent fall behind in technology" only serves to muddle the message.

Reviewed on May 12, 2023
