First time I saw this game, I thought "this game has a similar vibe to Beeswing". It turned out they are by the same creator. Very unique visual and audio design and surprisingly straightforward story. One can argue the sudden swing of mood and theme is part of the charm and serves to break up the long philosophizing dialogue , but oh boy are some of the minigames complete dogshit. The tank control movement on the "world map" frustrated me in a way disproportionate to the size of the game. Also, this game seems to be as unstable as Beeswing, and glitches can affect save file, so I was forced to start from the beginning again. Overall Dujanah probably won't be a pleasant experience for most people, but it's not a bad thing to challenge oneself once in a while. Under the current geopolitical circumstances, especially the raging conflict in Gaza, this game has never been more relevant.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2023
