I said in my Bloodlines review that it was the "quintessential Castlevania" and i was wrong abt that cuz it's this one.

Bloodlines had a much faster pace than all of the original Classicvanias, as well as a huge variety of locations that most of the others don't have. This one however is so clearly descended from the '86 original, from the iconography and music, to the slower paced, stiff gameplay. if ur a big castlevania fan you are like guaranteed to love this one, which is awesome!

However, i wouldn't necessarily describe myself as a "Big castlevania fan" and have had a somewhat mixed relationship with the Classivanias, and this one is no exception because of its obvious lineage. I was kinda hoping this would be the one where it all clicked and i grew to love the early entries in the series, but i now realise that isn't entirely possible. Unfortunately , the classicvanias have too many archaisms for me. I dont have any shame in admitting that im really bad at games, and that's been a consistent hinderance on my enjoyment because dying to the stage 7 boss 15 times and having to re-do the entire stage just gets kinda boring after a while. What i mean to say is that this game does so many things so well; fantastic enemies, moody gothic atmosphere, constantly switching things up, UNBELIEVABLE music, that i cant help but be disappointed i can't appreciate that as much as others can. there is a part of the archaic limited-resets-a-stage that i could never "get" with the Classicvanias. Im saying it here, because if was just a teeny bit more forgiving im sure i would love love this game, instead of like it (and also respect it), where i dont feel that abt the NES titles and IV. Bloodlines came close with its faster combat and only having 6 stages (instead of 9), but yeah im bad at games and that can suck sometimes. I should also reiterate because this all seems so negative, but i really did enjoy this game i just wish i enjoyed it more.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022
