Filled to the brim with a lot of the classic charm that made Lego Star Wars such an endearing part of my childhood, Lego Batman offers much of the same fun with similar frustrations in its platforming and occasional annoying AI. The grind for 100% completion isn't too taxing or frustrating apart from a few overly challenging canisters, but the new puzzles that come with free play and trying to get 100% add some freshness to the levels you've already played. There is a solid variety of characters, but I wish there was some more variety or specialness in the vehicles to make them more worth your time. I also wish there were opportunities outside of levels to mess around with characters that rarely would get used during a mission, like police officers or goons. The game has some fun gameplay and level design overall, with boss fights sometimes being great and sometimes being repetitive and uninteresting. However, Lego Batman is a good time for what it is and as good as any game to aim for 100%.

Reviewed on May 28, 2021
