i expected a slightly different game than what i got, but after watching a tiktok teaser a friend sent me i intentionally avoided any more footage etc for this game in order to avoid spoilers, so that's kind of my own fault for getting disappointed. like, i was expecting a game that was largely about just being a maid and cleaning hotel rooms, with a murder mystery or two slowly unraveling as you did your maid job. i was basically expecting a power wash simulator-type game with a darker larger mystery

i don't hate what the game actually is, though! my expectations were just different and that affected my gameplay experience in ways it wouldn't have otherwise. for example, i regularly left evidence behind because i was thinking "well, the guest wouldn't want me to trash their belongings now would they. it will be bad job performance if i do that" and uhhh lol that was the wrong line of thinking! i have learned better now

i just had the wrong idea about the game going into it. i thought it was a cleaning game with mystery elements when it's actually a mystery game with cleaning elements. those are not the same thing

i think the character animations and models aren't the best, and i think that they should rather have leaned slightly more cartoony in their style, closer to the art style in the photographs and the 2D animated cutscenes at the end of the game. it would've allowed the lip syncing to look less awkward and characters would've been less uncanny valley. it's not bad but you really feel the low budget/small studio when you look closely, especially in conversation cutscenes later in the game

i liked the mystery itself! the misdirects are clever enough that i jumped to different conclusions a handful of times before i pieced things together

overall enjoyed my time with it, i managed to get a relatively bad ending so i'll be replaying it and try a different approach now that i understand the game better lmao

i'm kind of sad that i never get to vacuum a single room

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
