this is very clearly hoyoverse's moneymaker for projects they care more about (like the honkai games)

not only that it's extremely time-consuming for very little reward. so many things you can only farm on specific days of the week or once a real life week with atrocious drop-rates. important lore for characters is revealed through limited-time events that you CANNOT replay, so you're either playing until you inevitably get burnt out... or you're missing information on units that you're supposed to care enough about in order to spend real-life money on to C6 and R5.

when it's good, it's pretty good, but you have to ask yourself "is this really that worth it when i can find more interesting stories and more compelling characters in different games".

tl;dr: if you haven't been playing since 2020-2021, then it's really really not worth getting into now if you don't plan on spending money

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
