i love tf2 dearly like a grandfather who's slowly dying of dementia but i just can't bring myself to pull the plug

it isn't "dead" like people constantly say it is but also it's impossible to get into nowadays if you're completely new to it. pretty much everyone playing has been playing since 2013-2015 so you're going to have to be okay with getting wiped until you're able to catch up. i was on during and prior to jungle inferno and then overwatch rotted my brain completely and now i have no idea what i'm doing

i wish it'd have a resurgence in popularity where people completely new to it would get into it as opposed to returning players coming back (although that's also good) but i don't think that's going to happen because very few people want to interact with bronies & this game's culture is not going to adapt

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
