Enmity 2

I'm so sick of looting useless junk, and graphics that makes my eyes bleed.

The game-play is so pale & mindless. There are multiple times I've been on the verge of tears by the sheer amount of boredom I've had to endure...
I hate grinding in my games, I'd rather sh!t down my own neck than play other AAA looter-shooter at this point.
Already at my 4 hour mark I'm so exhausted & tired by "To beat this 'grind area' you need to obtain guns & gear -- that's exactly like yours, just a different colour & higher stats -- which you get through grinding, which you can only reach by grinding." video-game tropes. I just want to claw my eyes out.
And once you become untouchable through your obtained hefty items & stats; you're even further unable to touch any probable fun you otherwise MAYBE could've had...


The graphics are truly unbearable, I feel like whenever I look at this game my eyes just hurts. I literally cannot watch game-play nor play myself for long, otherwise my eyes will get all sore or something. There are so many different flashing lights, unlike anything I've ever played. Everything in this game needs to project some sort of glare or lighten up for some sort of weird reason. It makes it hard to see anything, and to comprehend anything even more-so. It feels like I'm being flashbanged.
Commonly I have had to stand still and try to register whether or not what I'm looking at is an enemy or a lens-flare. It's hard to tell apart really, especially when both the enemies are the same colours & there's nothing to make some enemies stand out. Could they not find another shade of gray in every level & every enemy to tell them apart?


I beg everyone not to play this game -- not just because how boring & unbearable it is; but also because I'd hate for this sort of game-play ideologies being pushed by AAA companies in the future as well, as they learn by consumer neglect.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Thank you for letting me know that enmity is a word

1 year ago

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