This is a really weird one for me. For starters, the game is absolutely gorgeous. It feels like a PS2 game in the best ways, running through the levels sort of reminded me of Sly Cooper at times. I loved the environments and artstyle in general. The combat is satisfying, it feels kind of like a more friendly and forgiving Sekiro. The comedic tools you use to take down enemies are almost always hilarious and add a unique charm to the game.
However the characters talk. A lot. Like a lot a lot. You can turn this down in the menu but the writing is actually quite fun when there arent 6 people talking over one another. The enemies don't synergize well with one another and some combat encounters can become absolute slogs as a result. I found myself getting really frustrated when you're forced to dodge one enemies attack but that refills the meter of another enemy. All in all though this is a great game for the price, and the accessibility options do make up for some of the less considered design decisions.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
