This is truly a testament of art that is endlessly enjoyable and one that will be further studied for years to come. As fantastic as the remake was it will fail to leave an even remotely close impact and levels of influence the original has. Every single room is designed with such care perfectly emulating the quality control each room in the original Resident Evil was given but now in the context of a third person action game. Although Leon's moveset is limited compared to the likes of Dante the enemy and weapon variety as well as the new system allowing you to aim at different body parts for different effects encourages players to develop their own playstyle and figure out how they want Leon to complete his mission. An absolute sandbox of fun that despite endless replays and 100% the entire game I still come back to frequently to replay all of it again. The absolute most fun you can have while playing an app. Features hot women, and men!

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024

1 Comment

oh fuck it's Dante the Enemy *dies*