This game got dumped on at reveal and launch and I think it's not that bad. In fact I think it's a little more than not bad, it's pretty solid.

There's this special feeling when you go into a round and you get two squad mates who are locked in, and you complete a round flawlessly. It feels...professional?

I'm not sure how else to describe it really. It's just this slick feeling when you can do a multi-pronged area clear and know that your squadmates can handle themselves and have your back.

The flip side to this of course is that having bad squadmates is hideously annoying because they can make you actually lose XP. And while the highs of playing with a professional group of randoms is super cool, playing with no mics and no friends is kind of a snooze after your first 3-4 Level 10 operators. If you have two or more people that you can rotate playing this with, I think you'll have more fun with it.

It's also interesting because the gun/equipment mechanics of R6 Siege feel very different here. In that game, you're doing relatively slow, tac shooting, but in this game you can quickly face a horde of enemies charging you. Which puts a pretty new, fun spin on the implementation of R6's gunplay.

I get why people have problems with the game, but I think it deserves better reception than it has gotten, and I hope Ubisoft gives it (like R6S before it) enough time to get its feet under it!

Reviewed on May 27, 2022
