This was much better than I was expecting from the polarizing reception it has gathered.

The first hour or so doesn't really make that of a strong impression as the melee combat feels clunky and tad bit too simplistic. But when you get in to this rhythm of boxing-like melee combat with some guns that you can combo with it's actually pretty damn enjoyable. Even though you might even feel too strong as you can pretty much dodge every attack they throw at you.

Supporting this combat is story that doesn't do anything groundbreaking but it is interesting enough with its twists and turns that keeps you invested what is happening and why. Sadly in the end it feels the need to spoon-feed you what is happening which I'm not a big fan.

On the visual side of the things I was expecting this to run like ass but maybe they have patched it on the PC as it ran perfectly fine. No stuttering or other annoyances and it looks and sounds great. Atmosphere is one thing this really nails without any real flaws.

So in the end it's a good game that sadly doesn't manage to perfect its gameplay but I still had great time with it. It deserves a better reputation than it has.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2023
