I enjoyed the first Stasis and was happy to find out that the second entry is an improvement pretty much in every aspect.

First of all I just love the environment design and the atmosphere generally. It has this terrifying but beautiful Giger-esque art style that just resonates with me.

I also found the story to be more intriguing and suspenseful this time. Usually I am not big fan of reading text logs in games but this is one of the exceptions as the writing is strong enough and it has that puzzle aspect of trying to understand and piece together whatever happened here in this underwater hellhole. It does lose some steam at the end as some of the dialogue drags on and you cannot move between areas when people are talking which slows things too much for my liking.

On the gameplay side I think it found this nice balance between puzzles being challenging but understandable that make sense in the context of the world. I was little worried as you can control three characters that this could turn out the be just an item hunt and trying everything everywhere but this was luckily never a problem for me as interactable sections are marked as blue and visual detail that cannot be interacted are marked as green which makes clear what is an puzzle and what is not.

And yes Moses, you're a very smart bear.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023
