Final Fantasy has always been a series I've wanted to get into as I've never beaten a single one in the series so I figured I'd start all the way from the beginning...

And yeah.. It's interesting to see where it all started, but as a J-RPG and as a video game it's aged terribly. The story, if you can call it one, is just too basic and there's zero character development. You play a silent party of blank cardboard characters.

The combat is incredibly boring, for vast majority of the game I found myself just using auto-battle with "Attack". There's nothing else to it, because the game offers no challenge at all. You get so much money I just stocked my inventory full with potions to keep going. The constant barrage of random enemy encounters only make it more frustrating.

I did kinda like the exploration and figuring out where to go next with the little clues you get from NPCs and key items.

Regardless while it's a very flawed and aged game, it's an important first step they would later improve upon.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Based review.

I’d highly recommend VI, VII or X for new comers into the series : )