Love this very much. Combat is satisfyingly deep, exploring is good. The sidequests are plentiful, non-missable, rewarding and almost all of them are pretty unique and fun.

The world is full of charm and I love all of the bugs here. Cooking is very fun, the characters are entertaining... I loved this, a bundle of joy.

The way the game handles difficulty is very refreshing (it's an equippable badge, btw badges are great here too), and its QOL features are good as well. It's like they thought of everything, and this is how I believe modern games should be. Nothing missable ever, player convenience is always the first thought in a way that the difficulty isn't compromised. There's even a way of making money a non-factor, which works great for endgame while removing part of the grind, and is also a good option to do early if you want a less stressful ride (It is a satisfying challenge with hard mode on).

As someone who never played a Paper Mario game (sticker star sucks and doesn't count) I loved this a lot and recommend it if you get interested by the premise/gameplay. A great, charming, refreshing and quite deep RPG adventure.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2021
