Really good story but the game is so realistic it ends up hurting the gameplay.

Slow animations when looting or skining animals (way worse than RDR1), need to do a lot of busy work in the sake of realism, horses (even the best one in the game) get tired too fast considering how big the map is which doesn't make it fun to explore, gunplay was completely fucked and feels very stiff when compared to RDR1, you have to be VERY careful when riding your horse inside cities and towns since it's really easy to get called the cops just by touching civilians, it's way easier for your horse to fall over small rocks as opposed to the first one.

I just wish RDR2 had the physics and gameplay of RDR1.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2021


2 years ago

About your horse getting tired, in my game my horse NEVER gets tired, because you just have to click "L3" to make him catch some stamina.

2 years ago

Interesting, I played this game 3 years ago and don't remember that but I will check my PS4 to see if my save file is still there and give it a try.