My favorite thing in Yakuza 2 -besides the story- is its cutscene direction/cinematography which is in a class of its own, at times I truly felt like I was watching a Takeshi Kitano movie due to the perfect choice of dialogue, camera angles, atmosphere, music and voice acting. This was already good in Yakuza 1 but here it's just on another level.

They managed to get rid of all the problems I had with the previous entry: the combat, the long load times and exploring Kamurocho (and Sotenbori in this entry) doesn't suck this time.

The story was a massive improvement as well -not that Y1's story was bad- but this one retains its over-the-top nature which is signature of the series while developing characters better and just presenting a more intriguing story. If you are just like me and love the 10 stupid plot twists present in each Yakuza game you will feel right at home.

The soundtrack is simply a banger, it works in perfect tandem with the cutscenes and the game's atmosphere to make it feel special.

The only bad things I could think of are the strict QTE timings -which gets annoying in boss battles- (at least they are always the same buttons) and how easy it is to miss side missions (I felt 0 did this way better).

All in all, my favorite Yakuza game to date along with Zero. (still need to play 4-7)

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2021


2 years ago

Saying "cinematography" in reference to a video game sounds wrong but yeah that immediately stuck out to me. Playing the first two games back-to-back made the huge jump in professionalism in the acting even more noticeable. From word go the game is gripping in a way that is difficult to describe. Something about the way the characters act in the first little chunk of the game really hypes up the game and it just keeps ramping up from there on out. Everything from the first game is expanded upon perfectly, like I was really surprised by how they expanded elements like Date's policeman life and in general it just feels like the game follows up on the previous one super well. The PS2 Yakuza games have a real grit that is lost from 3 onward and something about that captivates me in a way that the others just don't. Even outside of cutscenes this game is always visually striking and, again, I can't really explain this. I can't really explain why Yakuza 2 in general is so phenomenal so I'll just say that if you've played the game, you know. The experience of this game makes me feel a way that no other in the series does and honestly I think it is one of my favorite games ever. I'm nearing the end of 5 but just wanna replay 2.

2 years ago

also holy shit that scene on the pier

2 years ago

If that's the one where it's raining in Sotenbori then yes, that scene was amazing and one of my favorite from the game for sure.

2 years ago

I forgot to mention that the best part of the game was when I found that the "kill this arrogant motherfucker!" guy was gonna have a super hype boss fight where he uses pvc pipes like Agni & Rudra. That's all I'll stop commenting now

2 years ago

If there was a character I wish they left with their previous English dub from Yakuza 1 it would be him lmao