Preface: Thanks a lot to Andria for working on the fan-localization patch! I feel more connected to brother NieR having a sister myself. :)

The soundtrack is one of the most beautiful OSTs I have ever listened to. The emphasis on the percussions and vocals make for something that feels really unique.

On the gameplay side, I really enjoyed the variety of experiences I had outside of normal combat or quests - especially the visual novel segments which I didn't expect, almost as ridiculous as the +1 hour text dump you start getting on Route B. The combat is not stellar but it's serviceable.

Let's get this out of the way, the big majority of quests in NieR are not fun to do. Having said that, I don't necessarily feel negative about them - why? Helping people is not always fun and it makes sense for NieR to have this element considering the message it's going for.

Speaking about this, maybe I'm just a psychopath but I can't really connect with NieR's message of empathy in how they present it. Themes are not as heavy-handed and on-the-nose as in Automata but I still find NieR's lack of subtlety to be a little too much for me.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2022


1 year ago

how good is the patch? im planning on playing NieR with the patch but i havent seen anyone who played the game with it so was wondering

1 year ago

@Huss It has gone through many revisions by two different people including some suggestions by people that have played the previous versions of the patch. I was only able to find two lines of dialogue (iirc) that didn't make much sense but besides that I thought it was good, no errors/crashes whatsoever.

Keep in mind this is not a complete re-translation from Japanese, it's more of an adaptation that was done using Gestalt's script and then they looked at the Replicant's JP version for some other changes in the dialogue.

1 year ago

agreed about the themes. In particular I think the game sucked ass at trying to make you feel bad for the wolves. The whole time I was thinking "no fuck them wolves, they started this shit"