Hope Left me Is another unique visual novel with a deep meaning storyline, when I think about this game I think about milk inside a bag of milk, very short likewise.

You are a human waking up in a town, outside is freezing and you question what you are doing here. While you were freezing a girl by the name of Sasha helps you get up and questions you what you are doing here. The city looks to be settled in Russia, in the former soviet union. You don't know how you ended up here and not even remembering the reason, you are totally lost, eventually after Sasha introduced herself she invites you into her apartament so you can survive the freezing winter, while trying to sleep you feel like suffocating for no reason and when you woke up you start to talk with her but after a time she lets you wonder around the apartament, you can steep in a window or even jump, interact with her stuff. You and her start to question death and after life, like there's no reason why humans were born and die with no reason. The city feels abandoned and that makes the atmosphere feel amazing. After she made some food for you and another day passes and she stumbles upon you and askes you if you want to go outside since the snow stopped to settle a balloon in the sky and that's where the game ends.

Loneliness sucks, can't imagine living like this but it seems cozy enough, sasha seems to be a bit schizoid but the main thing about this is the soundtrack, it's amazing an amazing album.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
