The game is often talked about as a spiritual successor to Resident Evil 4 and in a way you can see that it is, but it leans much further into its survival horror aspect. Ammo is scarce, enemies are scary and powerful and their designs are terrifying.

You can trivialize the ammo problem to some degree by maxing out your torches. That way, you can just shoot their leg and burn them. If anyone's nearby, they'll light up too which is just an added bonus. Running away was never truly an option in TEW because enemies easily catch up to you, or you're put in a forced fighting sequence and the stealth was the dumbest mechanic because you NEVER used it outside of the Kidman DLCs.

There's a lot of trial and error, I won't refute that claim because it's 100% true but I did not really mind and in the end it made me feel triumpant when I fuckin 360 owned Pyramid Head 2.0. The jumpscares are also minimal, which is refreshing in horror games because I'm a coward.

The environments and enemy designs are awesome and the game has aged very well graphically. Somehow, TEW1 manages to weave outdoors and indoors sections and leave me just as terrified when I have to go back inside.

About the story, it's very contrived without the Kidman DLCs and a bit confusing with them. You get the gist of it but I can't help but feel it's all a bit fever-dream-ish (which I suppose was the point).
On the DLC; I wasn't too fond of it at first. It felt tedious and slow; it leaned much more on the stealth portion which was nice but slow. Kidman doesn't really get to have a full on fight until the second DLC, the consequence.

I liked it. Give it a whirl.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
