This game has so much potential. It could be the greatest game of all time, and at times it is. But it falls into the trap of being a FromSoft game. Because it's a FromSoft game it is unnecessarily difficult, with no good reason for this. There are several points with huge difficulty spikes for no real reasons other than artificially boosting the runtime so streamers can shout at the game more. It also runs horribly on the PS4. I had to literally put my console in my fridge during some of the bossfights in order to avoid overheating. It really is disappointing that this game is so good, but so focused on being difficult and on looking good, that it puts these two things over having a fun experience. I really really wanted to love Elden Ring, and there are times when I do love Elden Ring, every 3 months or so, I get back into this game for like a weekend, and I love it, until I find an enemy too difficult to defeat and I go focus on something important until I pick the game back up later on and restart the whole cycle. I truly do want to love Elden Ring, but I just don't have the time to sink into grinding this game.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

This is so real