Probably the most "deceptive" 6/10 I've ever given to a game.

I wanted to like Mass Effect more. The universe is very well crafted, the codex texts are fun to read, and the lore as a whole is very interesting. Sometimes the desolate atmosphere of exploring a planet is all I need to switch off my brain, and I find the party interesting enough for the game, with all the characters undergoing some kind of development (and in some cases, like Wrex, their arc ends up having a direct impact on the directions your choices can take).

But I think the game fails too much in certain aspects as a game. The menus are not intuitive to navigate, the amount of places to explore ends up being excessive and extremely repetitive with little variation, and I don't find the integration of sidequests good.

Moreover, the main planets and especially the Citadel are horrible to explore. The Citadel, in particular, is all confusing and has a very strange layout. I genuinely had less trouble exploring and memorizing the layout of certain dungeons in Shin Megami Tensei than navigating the Citadel.

A universe as rich as this one would probably fit better as a TV series or a book, something like that, although the interactive part of Mass Effect 1 isn't all that bad either. And all the mystery behind the Reapers (and THAT cutscene on top of Virmire) makes everything worthwhile and quite interesting in the end.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
