Played this for the first time in anticipation for Get It Together. As a kid, I was weirdly a pretty big Warioware fan, which is a really weird franchise to be a dedicated fan of in retrospect (as opposed to being like a Zelda fan or Pokemon fan or Halo fan). Had and played all the games, DIY was even the first game I ever remember pre ordering. But when Gold was revealed, I thought it looked really good. But like many, I didn't pick it up because of it being 2018 and the Switch still being only a year old. Now 3 years removed from its release, I can really appreciate it as a pretty great swan-song for the 3DS. This game is packed with so much stuff that it takes a while to fully experience everything. Even until the very end I was still unlocking new modes and games (Wario Kard and Super Puyro). It is a compilation of basically the first 4 games mixed together across 3 different play-styles, but all the art is redone and gameplay is adapted to work with the 3DS’ features. I really like the new general art style used to animate Wario and his friends, but some of the microgames did feel like it wasnt as varied as the mixed media approach of other games. I also really like the full voice acting, which is so strange to hear in a game that essentially takes place in the Mario universe, we’re barley anyone ever talks. But I think that works to the games advantage, since the game is supposed to feel off beat and strange in contrast to Mario games. The structure of the main story mode is good, using the typical WarioWare style of mini unrelated stories. But a problem I did have is that normaly every character is asigned a theme, like Jimmy is sports and Kat and Anna is Nature and Orbion is IQ. But since there taking the best of 300 microgames aproach, and splitting them amoungst 3 different styles of play, that wouldnt really work. So instead, there are 5 categories, Wario, Sports, Life, Nintendo and Fantasy, with some Microgames feeling like its a stretch to fit into that genre. Again, I get why they had to do this, but I hope Get It Together brings back the regular genres. This is overall a really great best of of the series, while also carving out its own identity.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2021
