Not a FNAF fan, I just bought this game because it looked like a dumb stupid funny game to play, with the way Freddy talks and everything. And it was funny and fun! For like maybe the first hour. This game could have been alot more fun and interesting. The Pizzaplex is definitely the highlight, such a cool concept for a game world, an afterhours Chuck E. Cheese / Disneyland hybrid soaked in neon lights and 80s ascetics is cool. All the art and music and detail with the game world and animatronics are very cool. Its too bad everything else sucks. I think the absolute biggest issue with this game is the map and the layout of the world. I wasted SO much time just trying to find out where I am at and where I need to go in this giant complex. The map is literally useless, nothing is marked, no rooms are named, its impossible to use. And the world is designed with so many long hallways, laybrinths of arcade cabinets and children play areas covered in darkness that its impossible to navigate. Next, the game is insanely buggy and glitchy, nothing works as intended and you have to constantly just exploit things to even progress the game. During the first encounter with the Moon animitronic, he quickly became stuck on a set of blocks that I knocked down, and it STILL took me about an hour to complete that section because of how confusing that area is. Game also runs terrible, even on PS5. The ending segment of the game that involves you needing to turn the breakers on when they literally just spam security bots every where you walk was miserable and made me want to just stop playing. It’s just not a fun game past that first hour of kind of laughing at it and exploring the world. I can see this as a game that children may play in current year, then about 10 or 15 years from now, being extremely nostalgic for in the same vain as Sonic Adventure though. It’s ambitious, it just falls flat on like every front thats not ascetics.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022
