This game is so-so.
The story is absolutely vacant for the most part. You can definitely tell more sections were more developed than others. You can tell this game was an afterthought to tie things up. I like Rebecca and Billy's dynamic as an unlikely partnership. I like the outline of this story a lot, but none of what fills the gaps. Reading a summary of the story, I think it's good, but playing it, I can see why people hate this game.
Gameplay wise, the biggest frustration for me is no item boxes. I do like the fact that we can drop things on the floor now, yay, but they could've kept the item boxes as well. Both of those together would've been peak. But no, they tried to be different and it ruined the whole game for me. I think half of my time playing was me dropping shit and running around so that's great.
2 and a half stars because rebecca cute

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
