Girls Frontline is a franchise that has meant a lot to me over the last ~7 years. I distinctly remember the announcement of Codename: Bakery Girl remake in January 2018 and being filled with indescribable excitement at the idea of that game being fully realized. It has been almost 6 years since and I can say with no uncertainty that this game surpassed my expectations and is one of the best games I have ever played.

Reverse Collapse takes the original Codename: Bakery Girl and elevates it to an entirely new level. It is a phenomenal remake that surpasses the original in every regard. Every character, story beat, dialogue, interaction, character sprite, artwork, CG, soundtrack, and map/level design is filled with love and attention. You can feel the passion and love for this franchise oozing through every second of this adventure. It is filled with authentic zeal to tell its story reminiscent of Bakehouse and ambition to deliver an engaging experience reminiscent of Codename: Bakery Girl. It is the best parts of Girls Frontline, Girls Frontline: Neural Cloud, Girls Frontline 2, the original Bakehouse, and Codename: Bakery Girl. It is a love letter not only to this franchise and its original vision but also to the fans who have and continue to dedicate themselves to one of the most ambitious stories told.

It's amazing just how deeply I fell in love with the cast: Mendo, Jefuty, Atena, Jevon, and Carl are all such charismatic characters. I can genuinely say I love them all. Jefuty and Mendo in particular are so phenomenal, presenting such engaging chemistry that you can't help but root for them through each story beat. I thoroughly enjoyed the villains and each twist and turn through the Caucasus Mountain region. I loved all the collectibles referencing older characters or events. I loved all the confidential files that took advantage of Girls Frontline's amazing and intricate world. I cannot stress enough how excited I was seeing certain entries. I loved seeing the culmination of this journey and wish so desperately I could experience it for the first time again.

I could go on and on and on and on about Reverse Collapse but ultimately, Reverse Collapse is a game about love, sacrifice, hope, despair, and unyielding determination. It is about doing right by those you love and choosing the impossible, enduring unending tragedy so those you love can live happily and freely. It is a beautiful story about choice and the consequences of it.

To Yuzhong, to Shaonian, to MICA and its talented devs, to XD and everyone involved in this project thank you for delivering an experience so beautiful it will remain with me for years.

And once more to Yuzhong, and MICA, thank you so much for continually writing stories that resonate with so many people. Thank you for Girls Frontline, Neural Cloud, Reverse Collapse and all the stories you've shared in this beautiful world you've crafted.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024
