This game maintains all the good from Pokémon Colosseum and greatly improves all of the bad aspects. You can now save at any time, shadow moves no longer hurt the Pokémon using them, purifying Pokémon is much faster and the purify chamber makes it so much easier to purify all of the shadow Pokémon you catch. The ending is 100x better and more climactic than Colosseum and the final battle is great. There's a lot that's still the same as Colosseum, like many of the locations are reused which is a bit lame. There are more Pokémon to use and a better selection overall, though the distribution isn't very good as you get most of them (especially the coolest/best ones) in the last part of the game. This game is so much better than Colosseum in the most important ways, and I would recommend everyone just skip over Colosseum and play this game only. Objectively, this game probably doesn't deserve such a high score, but I just have so much love and nostalgia for it. This is my favorite Pokémon game and one of my personal favorite games of all time.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2024
