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I probably love this game more than I should or is reasonable. ¯\(ツ)

I love the island even though there is nothing much for the player to do with it. Sometimes it's just nice to look at something pretty and the different districts were just a nice chance of scenery and gave the whole thing character and a history. It felt realistic to me.

I liked the cases the characters a lot. My god, this one even has a proper ending and epilogue something I have been craving in frogwares games since I started playing them. My number one complain! And this one has four endings and epilogues! :D

Yes Sherlock is kind of a arrogant asshole sometimes but it makes sense if one remembers how young he is.
I was not sure what to think of Jon but he is a nice addition and he does make sense in the story. This gives frogwares Sherlock Holmes a unique spin that you either love or hate. It's up to taste. Because his writing is really good and his voice actor is - in my opinion - the best in the game. His delivery of his characters very last line haunts me and is one of the best I have heard delivered in a game. The fact that I fucking remember it so clearly and how it broke my heart can't be overstated.
But maybe that's just me. I really love this game.
What I DIDN'T love were the fights. And I didn't do a single chemistry puzzle in the game because those are not my jam and I am glad I could skip them.
Felt bad enough about skipping an entire part of the game that I diligently went through every fight the game put me in. It's okay.

I like how fucking broken this Holmes is. Yes, other parts have given us this, too but I can't remember any of the modern adaptations I have seen who have given me a reason for it that made sense, was detailed, dramatic enough and didn't sound fucking dumb.

I rather have him with an imaginary friend and a mad mother than with a very real sister whose memory he repressed bc she made him kill his best friend who he purposefully misremembered as his dog and said sister is a worse criminal than Moriarty and in the end she and her brother communicate via violin play because of reasons.

No, I am not over BBC Sherlock I never will be I saw a girl with a "I am sherlocked" shirt today I will never be free Is this my punishment bc I was once a part of them?!

This is also nice! I'd rather have no Irene Adler at all than a bad one! Not saying that frogwares is not able to write a good one (I would love and fear reading their take. Love, bc I like their stuff. Fear, bc adaptions mostly feel the need to damsel her/make her fall in love with Holmes/be defeated by him )

On the topic of pretty people I like the trend of prettifying him with every game. Didn't expect it but here we are and I am not complaining. ¯\(ツ)

Reviewed on May 02, 2023
