People still don't love this? Are you, maybe, uh, not a cool person? THIS is how you make a game.

I've always found that the games that really speak to me are the games that never lose traction or pacing. That never drags, and never goes too fast, and just constantly leaves you with new things to think about and do, and is constantly not only switching up enemies and locations, or weapons, but the actual gameplay.

And that's Resident Evil 6, baby! It's fucking awesome! And my favorite game in the franchise.

I've never played a game where, I've gone to bed after playing, just longing for the next day so I can play more. Sure, I've been excited enough to think about other games while going to bed, but not actually been gleeful and jittery thinking about going to bed and sleeping and waking up and eating breakfast and turning on the TV so I can play more of the game. The experience just warmed my heart.

No lie. After Leon's campaign, and I started Chris', I legitimately smiled and felt such joy to the point where I almost started crying because of how much I was loving it. It was so fucking cool.

THIS is how you utilize cinema storytelling in video games. I absolutely love the way they've taken filmmaking techniques and philosophies, and have actually successfully translated it, and made it work in a video game format, and even enhanced it sometimes.

I've never seen a cold open be utilized in a game before. Not actually. I've seen video games open in the middle of stories before throwing you back to the beginning, but not an actual legitimate cold open, before the title screen. Before the main menu. That's so insanely cool.

And the story ACTUALLY UNFOLDS as you play! It doesn't just get told to you with each checkpoint. You play, and you figure out this bit, and then you come back later with that previous bit, and you get a second bit, and you now have two bits that fit together to form a bigger bit. And it's like that for the entire game! It's magic before your very eyes!

The structure just pumps me with cocaine. Or another fun drug of your choosing. It's like any other insanely awesome game, but it's four games. And I legitimately can't pick out one that I like more than another. All four are just so special, and actually unique. Even if one does one thing worse than the rest, it turns around and does another thing better than the rest.

Just when you think you've started a bad section, it throws you in some 720 loop that flips your whole world and you come right back down to the same conclusion as you had before: masterpiece.

Absolute, unequivocal, masterpiece.

The best game ever made. Literally.

Good night.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
